
The American front line near Saint-Étienne was about to change. The 71st Brigade of the 36th Infantry Division had been on the attack for three days. After heavy casualties, it had lost the ability to advance further. The 72nd Brigade was on the way. Because of the distance and the danger of the battlefield, getting to the fight would take time.

On October 10th, 1918, soldiers from the 72nd Brigade were on the battlefield. Getting all the way to front was a challenge because it was hard to find. Now that the Germans saw them arriving, it got a lot harder. A tremendous artillery barrage greeted the 36th Division as it moved into place. Hits registered miles behind the American front line. The 142nd Infantry Regiment, now in control of the village of Saint-Étienne and across the flat landscape all the way to Barton’s Hill a kilometer away, would have to hold on for one more night.

As evening faded into night, the Germans continued firing flares into the sky. The flares would light up the night as they slowly descended by a tiny parachute. This would give enough light to expose anyone unlucky enough to be outside his shelter. But as the night wore on, the flares grew more infrequent. The night before, soldiers on the American side also saw large fires, three of them, behind German lines. Artillery shells came down on the American line as always, but less often.

The village of Saint Etienne viewed from Barton’s Hill

October 11

In the predawn light, it was necessary to go out there to see what was happening on the German line. Several patrols of 142nd soldiers carefully made their way out of their foxholes and toward the enemy. One patrol came back to their unit in front of the village having heard a man cry out for help in English. It could be a German trap. In the morning mist, two Americans ventured in the direction of the voice.

After a short but intense period of silence the two men returned, supporting between them Private William Schaeffer from Company A. Private Schaeffer had been hit in the knee three days before, on October 8, the first day of the attack. When the Germans counterattacked, he was unable to make it back to the American line. Schaeffer hid in various places until his canteen was dry. As he crawled toward his comrades, he was close enough he could hear Germans speaking to each other.

As the sun rose on October 11th, machine gun fire from the German side ceased for the first time. It was a cold morning and still misty, therefore the enemy could not be seen. More patrols set out toward the German line. They returned with the news that the outposts were empty.

The 71st Brigade, 141st and 142nd Regiments and a Machine Gun battalion, stood down. Just three days before, they had been untested in combat. Since then they had experienced ferocity, violence and privation that had chewed up the veteran division they replaced. Now they were being replaced by the 72nd Brigade.

The cost

It was time to call the roll of survivors. Leaders of battalions set up posts on different parts of the battlefield and each soldier made his way to his own company. Men of the same company who had not seen each other in days were reunited. In every gathering the weight of what just occurred was almost too much to bear. Two company commanders were killed. Seven Lieutenants were killed. Several companies had all their officers killed or wounded.

One hundred sixty enlisted men and ten officers of the 142nd Infantry were killed in that first engagement. The regiment was 40% understrength when it went into battle. This was due to illness and transfers. In addition to the dead, six hundred thirty-five men were wounded or missing. At least four of the missing were taken prisoner. As they gathered at their battalion outposts, battalions looked like companies. Some companies were headed by sergeants.

Reorganizing the men took all day on October 11th, as the 72nd Brigade moved forward to look for the retreating Germans. As men gathered and new leaders were assigned, food and supplies were moved forward. The division’s cook wagons arrived, and the men sat down to their first warm food since breakfast on October 6. In a quiet to which they couldn’t yet adjust, the 142nd regiment slept on the battlefield once more.

U.S. Army Rolling Kitchen

Leaving Saint-Étienne

On October 12th the regiment buried their dead. As the men searched the battlefield, their loss was magnified by the remembrance of each friend and neighbor laid to rest in the fields of France. Marines and Engineers from the U.S. Second Division were among the dead and men from their units were able to give their comrades a respectful burial.

Although the battle of Saint-Étienne was over, war continued. Men of the 142nd joined the mass of their division marching north toward Germany’s industrial heartland. Because they occupied the battlefield, the Americans could consider themselves the victors. But it was at a terrible cost. Germany, which invaded France to protect that heartland, moved out in an orderly retreat. They too had won something, if only time. The cost to them had been great as well.

The German withdrawal had been comprehensive. Units began retreating days before October 11th. Artillery had rolled back under the cover of heavier guns far to the rear. Soldiers of the 72nd Brigade only encountered a small residual force after advancing two kilometers north of Saint-Étienne. By the end of the first day they had overtaken Machault, four miles to the north. There the Germans had burned their stores, the fires the Americans had seen two nights before.

The Aisne

The men of the 142nd followed the American advance on October 12th and had reached the vicinity of Dricourt, about seven miles away from Saint-Étienne. Late in the day, the cook wagons were in place and the men were able to get a hot meal. Although now it was raining, the 142nd Infantry made shelter as best they could in a stand of pine trees and stayed the night.

On October 13th the 142nd marched about eight more miles toward the new front line. The Germans had retreated fifteen miles to the north bank of the Aisne River, near Attigny. The river and the Ardennes Canal, which ran parallel to the Aisne, was the new front line. The men of the 142nd were once again in range of German artillery, firing shots at random at the countryside. As night approached, the men moved toward the river. It was still raining, but by midnight the leading units of the 142nd Infantry had made their way to the banks of the Aisne. What the enemy was up to on the other side, no one knew.

No Man’s Land

As darkness fell on October 8, 1918, soldiers of the 142nd Infantry regiment experienced the in-betweenness of the front line. At their current strength, they couldn’t advance. Because they were exposed to enemy fire, they couldn’t easily retreat. After a day of intense fighting, American forces had captured the town of Saint-Étienne and the German line of defenses that ran through it. Now, they were anticipating a counterattack.

German forces did counterattack earlier in the day, in the late afternoon. Soldiers of the 142nd under Captain Thomas Barton withdrew to the wooded hill about 600 yards from Saint-Étienne and dug in. The Germans gained some ground, but their counterattack was halted. Americans were hoping for support from their own artillery, but during the whole battle it was underwhelming.

A battalion of French tanks began the day with them; but coordination was poor between the French tankers and American infantrymen. The tanks did not keep up with the attack, and some of the machines were picked off by German artillery. When the tank battalion’s commander was killed, the tanks withdrew from the fight.

The first night

So it was left to the men on the new front line to dig in and hold. Everything was improvised; shell craters became shelters. Evening did not bring silence or comfort. The Americans were still taking artillery and small arms fire through the night. Temperatures dropped to freezing. Each soldier had one day’s ration when he started out two days before. Now, all their food and water were gone. Runners sent back to get food and supplies were under fire the whole way.

Exhausted by their introduction to combat, hungry soldiers curled up in their foxholes amid the shellfire and actually slept. Others kept guard as American and German patrols crawled across no man’s land to learn the disposition of their enemy. Doughboys who missed the signal to retreat tried to crawl back to the American line. However, several of these were picked up by German patrols and made prisoners.  

Just before light on October 9th, men came up with crates filled with canned food. Frost covered the ground. Limbs were stiff and fingers were numb. If the Germans were going to attack, now would be the time. Shortly after dawn the American line experienced a furious shelling for about thirty minutes. But it seemed the enemy was not going to do more than fire at them with their cannon.

Barton’s Hill viewed from Saint Etienne

The next day

Now it was the 142nd’s turn. Behind the lines an ad hoc collection of the regiment’s reserve was formed. This included units who had gotten lost on the first day and individuals who had lost contact with their unit. At approximately 10:30 a.m. this force set out to reach the new front line. Reaching it under heavy fire, they forged ahead toward the German line. By this point German explosives and poison gas were overwhelming and the attack gained about 200 yards.

What followed was a sustained barrage of German artillery, made more accurate by German spotter aircraft. They still held a line of trenches about one thousand yards north of Saint-Étienne.

The second night

It grew dark once more, the second night. Once again, soldiers improved their makeshift defenses and thought of eating and drinking. Food and supplies were two miles back, and it took all night for small groups of men to carry them forward. The men who had advanced during the day found their position untenable. Reinforcements moved out of their foxholes and covered their retreat to the line established the night before.

Since the Americans could not move forward, did the Germans know it? And wasn’t this the perfect time for them to attack? This was on the mind of every doughboy hugging the earth around Saint-Étienne. During the cold night they strengthened their defenses, and dug deeper. Signalmen came up stringing telephone wire for better communication. Wounded men were carried back to the aid station. Men lay still in the cold and listened. They didn’t hear the German army getting ready to come down on their hasty fortifications. Instead they looked forward and saw large fires behind the German lines, three of them. German flares lit up the sky constantly. The men kept on their guard.

The top of Barton’s Hill

October 10th

By morning some food and water had reached the front line. The day brought orders for the First Battalion of the 142nd to move into the village and relieve soldiers and marines from the U.S. 2nd Division who had been holding it. The Second was moving out of the area after nine days of the most intense fighting. Saint-Étienne was closely observed by the Germans, and soldiers from First Battalion would have to slip in while under fire.

First the soldiers had to cross open land to reach town. Crawling forward in small groups, they sought foxholes and drainage ditches to cover their advance. The men moved into the village and spaced themselves, taking advantage of any protection nearby. Buildings, piles of rubble and shell holes provided shelter once the Germans caught sight of any movement. To relieve the men defending the cemetery posed another problem: it was out in the open. While every gun appeared to fire at them, First Battalion men would carefully time their dash toward the cemetery. Although German artillery was dialed in to every square foot of the village, they never shelled their own cemetery.

Saint Etienne after the battle

Under fire

As First Battalion men occupied the trenches in the cemetery, soldiers of Third Battalion also made their way under heavy fire through Saint-Étienne. Their destination was the front line north of town across the Arnes riverbed. This was the American position closest to the fourth line of German fortifications and it was very well defended.

Lieutenant Ben Chastaine of A Company recalls an order from behind the lines that contact be made with the enemy who was entrenched just ahead. The officer who got the order picked six men and they carefully made their way out of their holes and toward the German line. Chastaine continues:

“Crawling over every foot of the way the patrol made its way along a shallow ditch at the side of the road for a considerable distance in “no-man’s-land.” Suddenly from both sides and in front the little group became the target of the enemy snipers. Bullets in a perfect hail left the officer and four of his men on the ground while the other two made their way back as best they could. There was all the contact desired.”

For Extraordinary Heroism

In the predawn hours of October 8, 1918, Captain Ethan Simpson prepared his men to attack. He tried to get more ammunition and grenades for H Company, 142nd Infantry. He also sent out patrols to make sure the enemy was not about to attack. In the dark of night Captain Simpson himself crossed the front line with a Marine guide to see what the Germans were up to. When two Germans appeared to see Simpson, his companion let loose with a shotgun and they both made tracks back to their foxholes.

It was getting light. Captain Simpson was summoned to Battalion HQ for orders, where he learned that they would attack in a matter of minutes. His company would be on the right side of his regiment; the 141st Infantry would be advancing on his right. Likewise, Captain Thomas Barton’s G Company was on his left. Sixty to one hundred yards ahead of him was a stand of trees, and the enemy.

Ethan A. Simpson was a citizen soldier who had joined the army ten years earlier. Also, he had been an officer for nine years. In civilian life he was a lawyer in Clarendon, Texas, where he had recruited a company of volunteers in 1917. Some of those Panhandle men were still with him.

U.S. World War One Bond Drive Poster of type seen by H Company in Texas

After an American and French artillery barrage that fell mostly off-target, H Company went over the top. The woods in front of H Company lit up with muzzle flashes from machine guns. As he advanced into the trees, Captain Simpson was hit by two bullets fired from a tree above him. But Simpson was able to find the German gunner and shot him dead. Finally, the wounded Captain was carried back to the American line.

Samuel M. Sampler

Corporal Sam Sampler was born in Decatur, Texas. He had lived in Oklahoma, but enlisted in the old 7th Texas Infantry in Quanah. On October 8th, Sampler was in Captain Simpson’s H Company when he saw Simpson and two other officers in the company hit by gunfire. As a result, H Company was halted by machine guns at the top of Hill 160. Nevertheless, Corporal Sampler took some German grenades and made his way around the nearest machine gun nest. His third grenade hit home and killed two of the gunners, silencing the machine gun. Consequently twenty-eight of the enemy surrendered and the American attack continued.

Barton's Hill Captured and Held by H Company of the 142nd Infantry. About 800 Yards in Front of St. Etienne

Harold L. Turner

Corporal Harold Turner of Seminole, Oklahoma, enlisted in the old 1st Oklahoma Infantry in Wewoka. On October 8th he was in F Company, 142nd Infantry on the attack just behind H Company. His company commander being wounded, Turner and his sergeant organized a platoon of runners, signalmen and battalion scouts. Advancing though enemy fire, Turner soon found himself with just four men unhurt. Four enemy machine guns were twenty-five yards away. When they shifted their fire away from his men, Corporal Turner charged them with his bayonet. Consequently, Turner captured the machine guns and their fifty-man crew.

For Extraordinary Heroism

For his actions on October 8th, 1918 near Saint-Étienne, Captain Ethan A. Simpson was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.

For their actions on October 8th, 1918 near Saint-Étienne, Corporals Samuel M. Sampler and Harold L. Turner were awarded the nation’s highest award for heroism, the Congressional Medal of Honor. Only ninety-six Medals of Honor were awarded to ground soldiers and marines in World War I.

Learn more about the battle on the 8th of October:

In the face of the enemy

Conspicuous Gallantry and Intrepidity


Texas Military Forces Museum: The 71st Brigade at St. Etienne

Conspicuous Gallantry and Intrepidity

By his wristwatch, Captain Steve Lillard of Decatur, Texas went over the top at 5:35 a.m. on October 8th. Lillard commanded L Company, 142nd Infantry. As part of 3rd Battalion, his command would support the men of 2nd Battalion who had attacked the German line just a few minutes before. As part of the second wave of this attack, Lillard and his men might have waited for the men in the first wave to advance farther. But things were already not going to plan.

In a modern war, it’s never a good idea to crowd close together.

As for what was going wrong, Lillard would have noticed that the tanks had gotten off to a late start. Just the day before, the men of the 71st Brigade were heartened to see a bataillion of French tanks were joining them. The 142nd Infantry was supported by 6 tanks in the assault. But the first wave of infantry had advanced without them, and the tanks were following behind. Since part of the ground in front of them was wooded, naturally the tanks moved toward open ground. The Americans had never trained with tanks, and some of them were mistakenly shot by French tankers.

The church at Saint-Etienne near where the gallantry of the men was tested.

The attack on St. Etienne

While Captain Lillard saw men ahead of him drift toward the wooded hilltop to his right, he noticed a lot of machine gun fire coming from the town ahead to his left. He could hold his men back longer, which was the plan, or help the first wave by protecting their left side. Anyway, Lillard had to move because German artillery had found his position and was hitting it hard.

The attack on the morning of October 8th was intended to capture two lines of defense behind the famous Hindenburg Line. The Hindenburg Line had been taken on September 26th, but the Germans had built defenses in four layers behind it. Concrete machine gun posts called Pill Boxes, rows and rows of barbed wire and trenches stretched across the French countryside.

The last two lines were in the vicinity of Saint-Étienne, a ruin about one kilometer away. As men were carefully making their way through barbed wire entanglements, German machine guns shot many of them. Captain Lillard found two sergeants, Chester Roberts of L Company and Kelly Nail of I Company and ordered them to take out the guns. Roberts and Nail managed to get around the guns and silence them. Consequently their men captured seventeen machine guns and 112 Germans there. Sgt. Nail later found his uniform was full of bullet holes and his helmet had been shot through twice; but he was unharmed.

German pill box at the eastern end of St. Etienne the courageous men needed to take

In the town

By this point over two hours had passed. Troops from different units were intermixed and officers and NCOs were gathering leaderless men and taking them into the fight. More machine gun fire was coming from the town, including from the tower of the church. A shot from the one-pounder gun platoon put it out of business. Although the town was reported to be empty of Germans, it was found to be well defended. At the northwest edge of town was the Arnes, a stream beyond which the Germans were found to be in force. To the north and east, a German cemetery.

Meanwhile, lots of gunfire was coming from the cemetery. But artillery was crashing into the town, so American troops moved onto the cemetery. There they found the Germans in trenches. A platoon of Marines from the 2nd Division held the edge of town while the Southwesterners of the 36th Division tried to get closer to the Germans. They were able to approach the cemetery on the Germans’ right while others attacked head-on.

The Americans closed around the cemetery and fighting was hand to hand. But the enemy had little appetite for this kind of combat and the German survivors quickly surrendered. Having secured the cemetery, American soldiers and marines had captured the village of Saint-Étienne for good.

German strongpoint in St. Etienne
German strongpoint in St. Etienne

The attack slows

Soldiers and marines in Saint-Étienne found heavy German resistance on the other side of the stream. While the marines held on to the village, soldiers from the 142nd Infantry moved beyond the cemetery northeast along a road. This road connected Saint-Étienne with the next village, Semide, and taking it was the minimum objective of the attack.

Captain Lillard sent a patrol on the Semide road. Looking around him, he noted how few of the men he was leading had made it this far. Lillard was commanding what was left of several companies at this point, including his own L Company. His men advanced about two hundred yards on the Semide road, but found a German trench line. Having taken the third German line, the attackers had run into the fourth.

Likewise, while making their way along the road, men from Lillard’s command also found Captain Thomas Barton and his men advancing from Hill 160. It was late afternoon. As Captains Lillard and Barton were planning their next steps, a German counterattack formed on the right. As a result, the Americans withdrew to a line connecting Hill 160 and the town of Saint-Étienne.

Trench through the German Cemetery
Trench through the German Cemetery

Gallantry Rewarded

For their actions on October 8, 1918 at Saint-Étienne, Sgt. E. Kelly Nail and Sgt. Chester Roberts, both of Cleburne, Texas, were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in action having captured seventeen machine guns and 112 prisoners, four officers among them.

Learn more about the battle on the 8th of October:

In the face of the enemy

For Extraordinary Heroism


Texas Military Forces Museum: The 71st Brigade at St. Etienne

In the face of the enemy

In the predawn darkness of October 8th, 1918, Captain Thomas Barton hurried past soldiers and equipment to his place on the front line. The attack he was supposed to lead was to have started ten minutes ago. Barton, commanding G Company in the 142nd Infantry Regiment, had been in his commander’s post at 2nd Battalion Headquarters at 4:50 a.m. to receive his orders.

Just after five a.m. the Battalion commander arrived from Regiment Headquarters with the news: the 142nd was going on the attack along with their brigade that morning. The men would climb out of their foxholes and dugouts at 5:15. “Major, I cannot make it” Barton interjected, looking at his watch, “it is 5:11 now”.  The major told his commanders to get to their companies as quickly as they could and pointed in the direction they should attack. The major had seen a map at Regiment, but he had no maps to give. Barton’s Company G and Company H would go over first, attacking in the direction of the village of Saint-Étienne à Arnes about a kilometer away.

Making war

In the costly and dense warfare of 1918 France and Belgium, the only way to advance was in carefully coordinated assaults of combined arms. That meant concentrated artillery barrages with the attackers already out of their trenches moving forward while shells struck the enemy just yards ahead. Moving with the infantry were tanks to take on rows and rows of barbed wire and machine gun nests. The artillery barrage would creep forward, and the attackers would rush in before defenders could organize. In addition, aircraft would spot the enemy strong points and radio coordinates for the artillery to strike. And the process would repeat.

At least that was the idea.

Victory loan poster

Captain Barton reached his men at 5:25 and explained the situation. Before them was gently rolling treeless farmland, punctuated with woods on low hilltops and around the village. The nearest German defenses were just one hundred yards away. They were concealed in a woods that stood between the American line and the village. From Barton’s position, he couldn’t see Saint- Étienne so the Major’s directive using the village as a reference point was not useful to him.

Thomas Dickson Barton had been a citizen soldier for twenty-six years. He’d been an officer, on and off, for over twenty years. He served in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War for over a year. He was on the Texas-Mexico Border for ten months as a company commander during the Crisis of 1916-1917. In civilian life he owned a pharmacy in Amarillo, Texas and helped recruit his company of young Texans, many of whom were now there with him in France.

The attack begins

Assisting the attack were French tanks, from the 2nd and 3rd Battalion, 501e Régiment de chars de combat (501e RCC). Six Renault FT tanks would support the 142nd Infantry in its attack.

Behind the Texans and Oklahomans was a substantial host of artillery: the US 2nd Field Artillery Brigade along with the French 29e Régiment d’Artillerie and two other bataillons of heavy artillery.

As Captain Barton was giving his orders French and American artillery struck, signaling the attack. For some American officers on the front line, this was their first notice that an attack had been ordered. Explosions rocked the earth in front of them and smoke filled the air. At about the same time, German artillery retaliated in what was described as a “literally appalling” counter-barrage.

From the time the 142nd Infantry and other parts of the 71st Brigade took their positions twenty-four hours before, the Germans had anticipated the attack. And while the Allies were sending their shells over and beyond the German front line, the German shots were right on target. Explosions from German artillery hit along the front line. More German shells hit the rest of the Brigade, who were located farther back. Machine gun bullets filled the air.

Map of used in the attack at St. Etienne.

Over the top

After watching American and French shells hit as far as three hundred yards off-target, men of the 142nd got ready to step into the fight. Captain Barton signaled the Regiment’s mortar platoon and one-pounder guns. Figuring “we will never need them worse”, he had them fire directly into the woods in front of them. All of the Regiment’s grenades were left behind on October 4 when they were deployed.  

Twenty to thirty minutes after Allied artillery opened fire, the barrage shifted further away. Captain Barton’s Company G and the one next to it, Company H, were the first to attack. Texas and Oklahoma Guardsmen rushed forward in short sprints, hitting the dirt after several yards. As they were advancing, Companies E and F followed suit. 

As the forward groups of men reached the strands of barbed wire, the woods in front of them lit up with flashes from machine gun barrels. The German front line was better defended than at first believed. Machine gun bullets and explosions filled the air and took their toll. Soldiers felt that every cubic foot of air had metal hurtling through it.

Machine gun next attacked in the battle

The attack on Barton’s Hill

In the woods directly in front of him, Captain Barton saw muzzle flashes from four German dugouts. After capturing one of them, Platoon commander Gordon Porter of Wichita Falls crawled from hole to hole toward another. Men taking shelter with 1st Lt. Porter were shot dead by the machine gunners, who shifted their attention when another wave of the 142nd (Companies I, K, L and M) appeared in view. Porter made his move on the enemy. Later he said, “evidently he didn’t see me so I walked right on the two of them” and captured them. Porter then turned the gun around and fired on Germans rushing forward to hold their line.

As Barton and his men maneuvered around one dugout and captured it, another hidden dugout would open fire. This process continued until the woods was cleared of Germans. Company G captured between fifty and sixty Germans and five machine guns there. When they emerged from the woods, they saw low, flat fields with concrete machine gun nests. 

As the men advanced beyond the treeline, they came under heavy machine gun fire from their front and right. They were ahead of other American troops now. Captain Barton and his men advanced through the gunfire and explosives to neutralize the strong points. As he moved from one shell crater to another, Barton encountered men from other companies. The assault force had become intermixed and disorganized. Because of the trees, Barton could not see the rest of his unit, but the enemy could see him. Barton and his men captured about 150 more Germans and many machine guns. But of the four company commanders that went forward in the first wave of the assault, Barton was the last man standing. The others had all been wounded or killed.

Barton's Hill attacked by the men of the 142

Toward the village

Captain Barton was now the battlefield leader of what was left of Companies E, F, G and H: the Second Battalion. He was on the Saint-Étienne – Orfeuil road leading his troops to Saint-Étienne. German artillery was falling also with green and yellow bursts of poison gas. Barton and his men advanced several hundred yards toward the village and his advance soldiers found men from Company L of Third Battalion. Eventually Barton found their commander, Captain Steve Lillard of Decatur, who was also leading men from Company I. 

As Barton and Lillard were assessing the situation, the Germans counterattacked on the American right. The 142nd had advanced further than the next unit on their right, the 141st Infantry, and were exposed to the enemy. Attempts to bring up reinforcements were unsuccessful, and five messengers Barton sent back to his commander were all wounded or killed. Captains Barton and Lillard decided to withdraw their men from the open field back to the wooded hill where there was, as Barton put it, “an abundance of German machine guns and plenty of German ammunition.”

As they retreated the Captains found the Third Battalion commander and some men from Company K. They all made their way back to the wooded hilltop and dug in. Barton found a company of U.S. Marines from the Second Division and the 142nd Infantry’s Machine Gun Company and convinced them to dig in as well, commenting later, “This made the world look brighter.” 

For his actions in the assault on October 8-10, 1918, and notably for his leadership in the capture and defense of “Barton’s Hill”, Captain Thomas D. Barton of Amarillo was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in the face of the enemy.



Texas Military Forces Museum: The 71st Brigade at St. Etienne

Battle of Saint Étienne

On October 4th, 1918, men of the 142nd Infantry were preparing to leave Champigneul, a village near the Marne River in northeast France. The 142nd was part of the 36th Infantry Division, headquartered in Pocancy, the next village to the south. The 36th Infantry had been living in villages near the south bank of the Marne River for six days, waiting to go to the front. Just eight days before, on September 26th, allied forces attacked the entire German line in France and Belgium. It was, and remains, the largest land battle in U.S. military history.

Only the 36th Infantry Division was not with the American army. U.S. General John J. Pershing had loaned the 36th to the French Army for the battle, where it expected to stay in reserve behind the front line. The 36th had just cut short their training to join the Groupe d’armées de Centre, who were fighting alongside the U.S. First Army. Most noteworthy, the 36th Infantry had no combat experience, and had never been to the front. When it entered combat, according to the plan, the 36th Infantry would push through the French countryside after others had broken through German fortifications.

For France

During their short stay south of the Marne the men of the 36th experienced firsthand glimpses of war. Hundreds of buildings stood in ruins from artillery and aircraft attacks. The appearance of German planes brought the Southwesterners out of their billets to watch. Some of the towns were attacked, while Texans and Oklahomans took shots at German aircraft with their rifles.

Meanwhile, the 36th did their best to get equipped for combat. The French gave them the correct number of mortars, flare pistols and grenades. The men carried out drills as best they could during that week along the Marne, staying out of sight of German aircraft. At night they would look to the north and east to watch and hear artillery duels from the battle just beyond the horizon.

U, S, Marines recruiting poster, 1918

To the front

In nearby Champagne, German and French armies faced one another from more or less the same trenches since September 1914. The French had suffered great losses twice in 1915 trying to push the Germans out. Since 1914, the Germans had built concrete bunkers in multiple lines of defense. The last French offensive, in September 1915, cost them 145,000 casualties. The defending Germans regained all lost ground during the battle at half the cost in dead and wounded. Over three years the French and Germans expanded their fortifications. Germany’s Hindenburg line was a system of machine-gun bunkers, observation posts and underground shelters that stretched across the region.

Three years later, in September 1918, the French attacked in Champagne. French soldiers were able to capture parts of the Hindenburg Line. Still, after two attacks, they were unable to break through a German stronghold in the Champagne countryside called Blanc Mont. Visiting there today, you can see why: a long hill bristling with bunkers with a clear view for miles around. The French sent in a fresh division, the U.S. Second Infantry, to take Blanc Mont.

Send the Second

The reputation of the Second Division is the stuff of legend (“Second to None”, if you ask them). One of the first U.S. divisions to become active in France in 1917, the division included one Army brigade and one Marine brigade.  In June 1918 the Second Infantry blunted the German spring offensive at Belleau Wood, saving the city of Paris in the process. It was a desperate, costly fight that neither side could afford to lose. German attackers were amazed at the fighting spirit of the inexperienced Yanks, who turned them back in spite of terrible casualties. On June 26th, 1918, silence in Belleau Wood was followed by a dispatch from Major Maurice Shearer, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment. It simply said:

“Woods now U.S. Marine Corps entirely.”

German and American battle lines at Blanc Mont, October 2nd thru October 10th

Blanc Mont

On October 3rd, 1918, the U.S. Second Division attacked the system of fortifications at Blanc Mont and captured it within two hours. In doing so, they had advanced a mile and a half beyond the nearby French lines and so were exposed on their left and right. Facing the enemy on three sides, the Second Infantry held their ground despite German counterattacks. The Americans held a narrow wedge of territory, 500 yards wide, inside the German defenses. Try as they might to push forward, further German strong points made this impossible. Artillery shells were landing on the American position from close range. U.S. soldiers and marines dig in and kept watch for an assault.

The next day, October 4th, the Germans counterattacked on the left flank of American positions, which were held by Marines. There was also heavy fighting on the right side, which was held by the Army. On that day and the next, October 5th, the Americans tried to advance but could not. The fighting was intense and losses were heavy. The American-French force had broken through German defensive lines and wanted to expand beyond them. The Germans were determined to resist because retreating would endanger other German troops fighting the main American army in the Meuse-Argonne sector.

Marine veterans of Belleau Wood said the Battle of Blanc Mont Ridge was the tougher fight.

P. C. 142nd Infantry during St. Etienne fight Oct. 7 to 12

Call to the 36th

French and American commanders agreed reinforcements were needed immediately. The 36th Division was called to the front. On October 4th, half the division traveled by truck about 31 miles from Champigneul to the ruined town of Suippes. The journey took all night and the 142nd Infantry marched the last two miles to their first stop, Somme-Suippe. The 142nd waited at Somme-Suippe on October 5th for the other half of the 71st Infantry Brigade, the 141st Infantry Regiment, to arrive. On October 6th the whole brigade marched north to the town of Somme-Py, about 11 miles. On their way the 71st Brigade made its way through the Hindenburg Line, taken by the French in the first days of the battle. Here, Texans and Oklahomans saw French and German dead on the battlefield. When they got to Somme-Py, the U.S. Second Division had ammunition and supplies there waiting for them.

The rest of the way, about four miles, was under German observation and would have to be crossed at night. The commanders of the 141st and 142nd Infantry reported to Marine Major General John A. Lejeune, commanding the U.S. Second Division, for orders. The order was for the 71st Brigade to make its way to the front and relieve the entire 2nd Infantry Division.

Somme-Py after the battle 26 September - 11 November 1918
Somme-Py after the battle

At the front

The men of the 142nd Regiment spent late afternoon and evening of October 6th near Somme-Py taking as many supplies as they could carry. Company commanders tried to get their hands on maps of enemy positions and water for the men. Marines were expected to guide them to the front, but they had taken shelter while the Germans were shelling the town. However, soldiers of the 142nd did not meet their Marine guides until after nightfall. Since the Marines had arrived by truck in daylight, they did not know how to get back to the front by foot. Finding their way forward in the dark was trial by error, and the men quickly became lost. As a result, the 142nd Regiment did not get on the right track until late at night.

The untested soldiers were now on their way to war. Second Division Marines on their way to the rear passed them as they advanced and remarked of the National Guardsmen “singing and joking as they went. High words of courage were on their lips and nervous laughter.” One Marine told another, “Hell, them birds don’t know no better…Yeah, we went up singin’ too, once–good Lord, how long ago!…they won’t sing when they come out, or any time after.”

The soldiers had witnessed German artillery hits that afternoon near Somme-Py. Now that they were moving nearer to the front, exploding shells were closer and closer. The Germans had targeted crossroads especially, and soldiers were held up at them waiting for a pause in the shelling. Three men were killed by German artillery, the first combat losses in the 142nd.

Boche Strong Point South of St. Etienne the Morning of the Attack

Dug In

It was daylight, October 7, when the 142nd reached the front line. The battlefield was not like anything they had trained for: a series of foxholes and shell craters with the occasional abandoned German dugout was their shelter. The Germans were about 100 yards away, and had seen them arrive. Machine guns opened up on the Americans and soon artillery shells exploded nearby. Men dug their own holes or leaped into foxholes just vacated by the Marines. Germans could be seen across no-man’s land, moving from dugout to dugout. That afternoon, artillery hits were more severe with American dead and wounded.

Commanders in the 71st Brigade spent a frantic day completing the relief of the Second Division and locating supplies and ammunition. Later on, a French tank battalion showed up, which encouraged the men. Maps were in short supply and not useful when commanders got them. Lastly, there was only one day’s supply of food and water; what each man had carried there.

That night, commanders made their way back to Somme-Py for final orders. At that moment they learned that they would attack the German line. Major General Lejeune had asked his French commanders that the 36th spend a few days getting used to combat operations before going on the attack. His superior, French XXI Corps commander General Stanislas Naulin, disagreed and set the attack to resume at dawn on October 8th with the 71st Brigade in the lead.

Learn more about the battle on the 8th of October:

In the face of the enemy

For Extraordinary Heroism

Conspicuous Gallantry and Intrepidity


Texas Military Forces Museum: The 71st Brigade at St. Etienne